From the October 24 edition of Fox Business' Making Money with Charles Payne:
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CHARLES PAYNE (HOST): At what point is the -- do we cross the Rubicon? In other words, where do we see -- is it okay, for instance, to suggest, to urge people, to, for instance, go after a politician who is at lunch with his spouse, his or her spouse? We keep hearing, I heard that a lot over the weekend. I heard that the attacks on [Sen.] Mitch McConnell were OK because people felt like they had no other way of voicing their displeasure. And the suggestion was that a restaurant is a public space where this is legal or should be done, and it scared me, it bothers me. Because I think, ultimately, it does lead to something, it's going to lead to a physical altercation, and it's going to be an ugly result. Where do we find that line where we can voice our opposition, our anger, no matter what side of the political aisle you're on, to make sure that it's heard, but in a way that it doesn't seem to be tripping or triggering violence?