From the July 22 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
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AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): Last week at the rally, we heard the folks chanting “send her back.” So the president spoke for, what, an hour and a half at that rally almost, and that's what the media focused on. So we knew the Sunday shows were going to focus on it, right, and they did. They talked about race, race, race.
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): So the worst out of all of those, I mean, it was unbelievable. Like there's no Iranian crisis, like there's nothing to focus on at the border. It was all about that one line in that one sentence. I'm amazed too, outside a question from George Stephanopoulos on it, no one just like ran down all of the things “the squad” had been saying, and to be kind, say, “controversial,” that led up to this -- that led up to the president saying what he said.