Fox & Friends Predicts Obama Will Ignore Immigration

From the February 23 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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KILMEADE: [T]he next thing President Obama--once the Middle East calms down and Wisconsin has a solution--maybe illegal immigration should be the next thing to be brought up before the 2012 election.

DOOCY: He's had two years.

KILMEADE: What do you think about -- you think I'm crazy?


KILMEADE: Why? Why not?

CARLSON: I was just going to ask you what you were smoking, but I thought maybe it wasn't appropriate. But I just said it because I just don't think that's gonna happen.

KILMEADE: I think that Social Security reform, health care -- I think he did that already. Check that off. That went well.

CARLSON: So now you're being funny, because he's really not going to tackle any of those.


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