On Fox & Friends, Stuart Varney defends Trump's $12 billion bailout for agricultural industry that he hurt with his tariffs

Varney: “He's mitigating the damage, which China's tariffs on our agricultural products will produce that damage occurs in the farm belt. Politically sensitive.”

From the July 25 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

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STUART VARNEY (FOX BUSINESS NETWORK): Look, President Trump is using this money, going to the farmers because he is giving negotiations staying power. He's buying time. He's mitigating the damage, which China's tariffs on our agricultural products will produce that damage occurs in the farm belt. Politically sensitive. Kansas, Iowa, et cetera, et cetera. The president uses these payouts, up to $12 billion to mitigate that damage. After all, why should the farmers bear the brunt of the damage when we all of us get the benefits from a free trade agreement if that's where we end up?

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Clearly he thinks that a trade deal is around the corner. But, in the meantime, he's got this money to help the people, make sure that they are afloat during some challenging times for the soybean farmers and others. 

VARNEY: It allows the president to maintain the hard line, and that's exactly what he is doing. And I think you are approve of that. Don't you?


NY Times: So Now Trump Wants to Protect Farmers From Trump’s Trade War?

CNN: Federal aid for farmers is nothing new, but Trump's bailout is


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