Fox host on reports of lack of White House response to Russian bounties for killing U.S. troops: “You can make a decision to do nothing too”
From the June 28, 2020, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Weekend
PETE HEGSETH (CO-HOST): Listen, it's no surprise to anybody, the Russians meddling first of all, and second of all, in Afghanistan where they had an occupation for years, ultimately expelled. If they want to try to take over Afghanistan, part of the president's rationale of foreign policy is we shouldn't be spending trillions of American dollars and American lives there. Doesn't dismiss the fact that Russia is our enemy, which we know, but to point this at The White House and say they're complicit with Putin I think is to miss the whole story.
JEDEDIAH BILA (CO-HOST): I mean, the key obviously if he was briefed on it or not, right? I mean, so if he was briefed on it and did nothing, then people will have something to say about that. If he didn't wasn't briefed on it and that's fake news, then people will have something to say about that as well, so it remains to be seen.
HEGSETH: Yeah, you can make a decision to do nothing too. I mean, Russia's paying bounties for Islamists for years. I mean, this is not a new thing ultimately, even if it is unfortunate.