Fox host on separated families: “It's terrible. But they were the ones who chose to come over illegally and they knew that that might happen.”
Brian Kilmeade: “As bad as the separation policy was, how many families did not come because they said it's not going to work”
From the December 17, 2021, edition of Fox News' Fox and Friends
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): I think people had a major problem with this. And the administration knew this was going to hurt them in the midterms or if he runs again in three years.
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): When you couple it with these pictures, absolutely.
EARHARDT: Yes, and when you think about illegal immigrants getting more than a million dollars as a family, and then a 9/11 victim or someone who has lost a loved one overseas fighting for our country, fighting in Afghanistan, they get a lot less than that. So that's why the American public said wait a minute, why do they get all the — you don't test them for COVID, you pay them millions of dollars, yet you test us for COVID. You put us in lockdowns and you don't pay us enough if our loved one is lost.
DOOCY: Plus what's the standard for getting $450,000 a person, was it they were separated forever? They can't find the child? They can't find the parent or was it they were separated for an hour? There was no answer.
EARHARDT: Well, the separation, and, if I were separated from my daughter, I can't imagine that.
DOOCY: It's terrible.
EARHARDT: It's terrible. But they were the ones who chose to come over illegally and they knew that that might happen.
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): Right. And by the way there is a lot of -- there is a lot worse pictures than we saw. We saw that one picture of the child crying as their parent being taken away, OK fine, not good. What about the pictures and video of children being dropped over a wall, two or three of them at a time.
EARHARDT: Left by themselves.
KILMEADE: There are videos there are cataclysmic for anyone with a heart that cares about kids and that's what happened. And I want to say this, as bad as the separation policy was, how many families did not come because they said it's not going to work instead of come one, come all, which this administration is doing. And we can't even get them to pay attention to.