Fox & Friends co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck mischaracterized tweets that took on the issue of thoughts and prayers following the fatal December 2 mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. Reading tweets from Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and ThinkProgress editor Zack Ford, Hasselbeck criticized those who “want to line up with terrorists and try to take God away,” and accused politicians of telling people to “stop praying.” Contrary to Hasselbeck's claim, politicians' tweets have not told people to stop praying, but instead were a call to enact policy changes regarding access to guns in addition to thoughts and prayers. From the December 3 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
Fox's Hasselbeck Falsely Accuses Politicians Of Telling People To “Stop Praying”
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: “If You Want To Line Up With Terrorists And Try To Take God Away, You're Not On The Right Side”
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