From the May 25 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
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BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): It's a sad day for women and men everywhere. Thanks to a huge change Victoria's Secret just made, this morning your mailbox just got a little less sexy.
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): What, exactly has Victoria's Secret done to change everything?
KILMEADE: Well Steve, I can't give it away now. I will say this, as a show, unofficially, we have done more interviews with Victoria's Secret models than any other modern show.
DOOCY: Pound for pound.
KILMEADE: Pound for pound, maybe Merv Griffin in the 70s. Who knows?
DOOCY: I don't think Victoria's Secret was around back then.
KILMEADE: Joe Franklin, maybe? But I really believe we've done more for Victoria's Secret models than anyone else.