Cal Thomas attacked Cindy Sheehan biopic as “liberal porno film” and asserted, “Her son was a volunteer”

On Fox News Watch, Cal Thomas called an upcoming film about anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan “a liberal porno film.” Thomas then claimed that Sheehan has “manipulated” the death of her son in the Iraq war “for her own political ends. Her son was a volunteer.”

On the March 25 edition of Fox News' Fox News Watch, nationally syndicated columnist and Fox News host Cal Thomas called an upcoming film about anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan “a liberal porno film.” Remarking on actress Susan Sarandon -- who has reportedly agreed to star in the film -- Thomas stated: “I just hope she [Sarandon] doesn't do any nude scenes. It's terrible. Nobody's going to watch this except Michael Moore and his buddies.” When American University professor Jane Hall protested: “Cal, [Sheehan's] son was killed” in the Iraq war, Thomas responded: “Look, she has manipulated that for her own political ends. Her son was a volunteer.”

From the March 25 edition of Fox News Watch, which also featured host Eric Burns, liberal media critic and author Neal Gabler, and Newsday columnist James P. Pinkerton:

BURNS: “Quick Take” headline number three: “Actress or Activist ... Any Difference?” This week, at an anti-war benefit concert, actress Susan Sarandon lashed out at President Bush, which she has done many times before, and then revealed for the first time that she is in talks to play Cindy Sheehan in a forthcoming film. And Jim, the question that raises to me is this -- not a political one. But was Cindy Sheehan in the news enough? Was she a big enough star in the real world so that there should be a movie, that there is enough interest, I should say, in a movie about her?

PINKERTON: Well, I think for left-wing causers, there's always enough interest in this kind of stuff. I don't think they even care if people watch the movie or get ratings for it. They want to make it. It's -- they'll get credit with their own community for doing so.

THOMAS: This is a liberal porno film. I just hope she doesn't do any nude scenes.

HALL: Oh. Oh, I have --

THOMAS: It's terrible. Nobody's going to watch this except Michael Moore and his buddies.

HALL: Cal, her son was killed.

BURNS: “Liberal porno” is a little tough on someone whose son --

THOMAS: Look, she has manipulated that for her own political ends.

HALL: Wait a minute --

THOMAS: Her son was a volunteer.

GABLER: She lost her son --

THOMAS: So? There are plenty of people who --

GABLER: -- and for you to make a glib remark --

THOMAS: Oh, come on --

GABLER: -- about a woman who lost her son in Iraq is absurd.


BURNS: Jane, let's -- let us give Jane the last word here.

HALL: I think a movie that portrays what happened to her and also portrays how she may or may not be being used as a symbol -- both things are valid. But to call it what you did, I really disagree with it.