On Fox, Robert Maginnis suggests military strikes on North Korea

From the June 16th edition of Fox News' Studio B:

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In April 2008, David Barstow reported in his New York Times exposé on media military analysts:

Another analyst, Robert L. Maginnis, a retired Army lieutenant colonel who works in the Pentagon for a military contractor, attended the same briefing and recalled feeling “very disappointed” after being shown satellite photographs purporting to show bunkers associated with a hidden weapons program. Mr. Maginnis said he concluded that the analysts were being “manipulated” to convey a false sense of certainty about the evidence of the weapons. Yet he and Mr. Bevelacqua and the other analysts who attended the briefing did not share any misgivings with the American public.

Previously on Fox...

Kristol says “it may be worth doing some targeted air strikes” in North Korea, Hume agrees