From the December 6 edition of Fox News' MediaBuzz:
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HOWARD KURTZ (HOST): It was freelance journalist Jamie Kalven who, based on anonymous tip, kept pursuing that devastating video. Now, you wrote in the Sun-Times that you're fed up with the feds, federal government for moving slowly. And Rahm Emanuel himself -- reversed himself, and now says he welcomes a Justice Department investigation of Chicago police practices. Do you believe this delay might have been related to Rahm's friend Barack Obama being in the White House?
CAROL MARIN: No, I don't necessarily think so. I think this is a controlling the narrative thing. You know Rahm Emanuel, Howie. You know how it works in Washington. You control the story, you control how the story is reported, and Rahm Emanuel has always argued, never let a crisis go to waste. The difference is this crisis is spiraling out of his control. He can't control the narrative, and it's going to require a very different kind of playbook, and the public's right to know.