O'Reilly: "[T]housands" of gays in one place “can be confusing to children”

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During the July 12 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly responded to a viewer's email regarding his July 11 report on a gay pride night at the San Diego Padres' Petco Park the same night as a hat giveaway for children, during which O'Reilly called it “insane” to “cluster” gay men and lesbians during a “hat giveaway for any kid under 12.” In his email, the viewer stated that O'Reilly's “position seems to imply that putting gays and kids together in one place is a bad thing” and claimed that “kids are around gays every day.” O'Reilly responded: “But not thousands of them, sir. That can be confusing to children.”

O'Reilly did not inform his viewers exactly what number of gay people he believed children could safely be around without becoming “confus[ed].”

From the July 12 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: Gregory Myers, Fort Collins, Colorado: “Mr. O'Reilly, your position seems to imply that putting gays and kids together in one place is a bad thing. Newsflash, Bill, kids are around gays every day.”

But not thousands of them, sir. That can be confusing to children.