Tucker Carlson says it was a “political weapon” to honor Brian Sicknick in the Capitol Rotunda
Carlson: “It’s all fake”
From the November 1, 2021, edition of Fox Nation's Tucker Carlson Today
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): In the meantime his body lied in state in the U.S. Capitol
CARLSON: And it implies no disrespect for Officer Sicknick or his sad death to note that his passing was used as a political weapon by the left.
KELLY: It created so many optics right after the New York Times published that article. So you had a procession of police cars through Washington D.C., silence throughout Washington D.C., as they're carrying his body. And then of course he lied in state for two days. He was eulogized by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Joe Biden and Jill Biden showed up to give their respects, you could see Joe Biden walking away shaking his head. He's then transported in another formal ceremony to Arlington National Cemetery where he's buried. So these are all the optics that were created in February. So then they pivot to --
CARLSON: This just all a manufactured-- it's all fake.
KELLY: Completely fabricated yes. And they were all in on it.