Over the past several weeks, Fox News has persistently used inflammatory rhetoric in attacks against the Dream Act -- which would provide legal status to certain unauthorized immigrants who came to the United States as children.
Fox News figures, including several purportedly objective journalists, have also taken to referring to the Dream Act as “a nightmare” in the eyes of its opponents. Did they get a memo or have they all independently arrived at the same uninspired pun?
Here are several examples:
Fox & Friends: Is The Dream Act A “Nightmare For Hard-working Americans?” On the November 30 edition of Fox & Friends, teasing a segment on the DREAM Act, co-host Gretchen Carlson said: “Harry Reid's Dream Act could give millions of illegal immigrants citizenship. Is the senator's dream a nightmare for hard-working Americans?” [Fox & Friends, 11/30/10]
Jarrett: “Those Who Oppose It Call It A Veritable Nightmare.” On the November 23 edition of America Live, Fox host Greg Jarrett stated: “You know, for millions of illegals, the DREAM Act is a propitious title because it would fulfill their dream of jumping right to the front of the line and becoming U.S. citizens. Those who oppose it call it a veritable nightmare, granting amnesty right away to more than 2 million illegal immigrants, and in the end, maybe as many as 6 million or more illegals.” [America Live, 11/23/10]
Baier: Dream Act Is “A Nightmare For Some Opposed To Citizenship For Illegal Aliens.” On the November 16 edition of Special Report, Fox host Bret Baier stated that the DREAM Act is “a nightmare for some opposed to citizenship for illegal aliens.” [Special Report, 11/16/10]
Fox Reporter McKelway: “To A Lot Of Republicans” The Dream Act “Is A Nightmare.” On the December 8 edition of America Live, Fox News reporter Doug McKelway asserted: “To the Democrats it is indeed the Dream Act, but to a lot of Republicans it is a nightmare, and it's not just the provisions of this particular bill that troubles them. It is that the Dream Act represents one larger piece of a puzzle -- a puzzle of changing demographics across the United States that some believe favor the Democrats.” [America Live, 12/8/10]
Hannity: “Democrats Call It The Dream Act, But Republicans Say It's Really An Amnesty Nightmare.” On the December 2 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity stated, “Democrats call it the Dream Act, but Republicans say it's really an amnesty nightmare.” [Hannity, 12/2/10, via Nexis]