Fox guest accuses Matthew McConaughey of “degree of hypocrisy” for potentially starring in movies with violence after calling for gun safety
Tim Kennedy: “The next Netflix movie where they come to him with a few million dollar contract and be like, ‘Hey, will you play this action star that goes and kills all these people?' And he'll absolutely do it."
From the June 8, 2022, edition of Fox News' Outnumbered
TIM KENNEDY (MIXED MARTIAL ARTIST): This can become about issues really fast where you start handpicking things that are easy to divide us when instead we should focusing on the real issue and that's how do we protect children? And I love that he [Matthew McConaughey] is passionate about this. I love that his heart was so exposed and on his sleeve here. But I can't leave Hollywood out and not recognize a degree of hypocrisy where like the next Netflix movie where they come to him with a few million dollar contract and be like, ‘Hey, will you play this action star that goes and kills all these people?' And he'll absolutely do it and so will all of them, as will the video games, as will social media looking for more opportunities to divide us. But you have to go upstream. You have to go to the root cause of what is happening in this violence. Yes, we can try and make our schools hard targets. Yes, we can start addressing training for law enforcement. Yes, we can even look at laws about making sure that people that are mentally unhealthy can't get access to a firearm. But the root cause is really the person doing this, right? The tool -- And we start talking about mental health and you start look at these active shooters, the ones that are going in and hurting little children, it is a really clear problem and that is that young men are broken. There's a problem. I have a five-step plan about how we can fix this. I have the four Ds about how to make a school a harder target, but really we have to start healing our young men and making them young men again. Otherwise this will continue to happen.