Fox News host Sandra Smith claimed that groups behind the Supreme Court case Zubik v. Burwell were fighting so they wouldn’t have to “cover types of birth control that constitute as abortion,” a myth repeatedly recycled by right-wing media. On May 16, the Supreme Court's review of the case resulted in an unsigned per curiam opinion, remanding the lawsuit back to a federal appeals court for further consideration. Smith’s promotion of the argument that the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) contraception mandate forces religious groups to provide forms of contraception they consider to be abortifacients ignores the fact that medical experts have clarified that these forms of contraception “do not interrupt established pregnancy” and are not “abortifacient.” From the May 17 edition of Fox News’ Outnumbered:
Fox Host Recycles Myth That Zubik v. Burwell Is About Abortion
Sandra Smith: “Groups Don't Want To Cover Types Of Birth Control That Constitute As Abortion”
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