Fox host: “Their interest in passing universal childcare and universal pre-k is just to start indoctrinating our kids sooner”
From the November 5, 2021, edition of Fox News' Fox News Primetime
RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY (HOST): Voters in Virginia made it clear this week our children do not belong to the state. They're ours. I'm not interested in co-parenting with the government. Parents demand a say in what students learn in the classroom. We're sick and tired of radical agendas being shoved down our kids' throats in schools.
The left wants to indoctrinate our kids. Force them to wear masks and soon, probably force them to get vaccinated. Democrats want parents out of the picture entirely.
Let me be clear, radical Democrats are not the party of parents. And they're certainly not the party for children. Their interest in passing universal childcare and universal pre-k is just to start indoctrinating our kids sooner. And inside their socialist infrastructure bill is a provision that specifically prohibits religious schools from accessing infrastructure grants to improve their facilities. Just another attempt to keep children in government-run schools to please the unions.