Fox host: “There are too few good legals who [immigrate] the legal way who come in”

David Asman: Good immigrants “means speaking English, it means being willing to work instead of taking welfare. It means a lot of very specific things.”

From the August 1 edition of Fox News' Outnumbered:

Video file

DAVID ASMAN (FOX BUSINESS ANCHOR): One thing that has to change in this country is a broken immigration system. We're letting the wrong people in. There are too many illegals that come in that don't assimilate well into our culture, and there are too few good legals who do it the legal way who come in. We've got to make it easier for those qualified immigrants who want to work and assimilate in this country to come in.

HARRIS FAULKNER (HOST): So the word “assimilate” I have to let Marie come back on because her glasses just popped off her head. 

MARIE HARF (HOST): Yeah, I just think the term “good immigrants” and “assimilate” -- 

ASMAN: It means speaking English, it means being willing to work instead of taking welfare. It means a lot of very specific things. I know a lot of immigrants. I used to cover Latin America for 12 years. I know a lot of good immigrants who have been trying for years, decades to get into this country who can’t because our immigration system is broken. Meanwhile, millions of illegals who are not good for the economy are coming in.

HARF: Some of those words are used, not by you, but by other people to, in very not good terms, in terms of the history of immigration in this country and how --

ASMAN: What are you talking about? Racism? 

HARF: Absolutely. And I'm not saying --

ASMAN: That's B.S. 


HARF: When you talk about “good immigrants”? “Good immigrants”? 

ASMAN: People willing to work and assimilate into what this country is. It’s that simple. 

HARF: So they have to give up their entire culture? 

ASMAN: No. Assimilate so that we don’t have the kind of situation they have in Europe where people stay completely isolated in their own communities and don’t assimilate into the culture. It’s very simple. 

HARF: The language is very charged, and we just need to be careful.  


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