Fox legal analyst on Jack Smith's new filing: “It sure looks like blatant election interference”

Gregg Jarrett: “Incendiary details notwithstanding, Smith's basic accusations are the same”

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Citation From the October 3, 2024, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

LAWRENCE JONES (CO-HOST): So, Jack Smith, he gets overturned by the courts all the time. I just get the impression, Gregg, that he is trying to litigate this case before the public and not before the courts. 

GREGG JARRETT (FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST): Yeah he's trying to have a damning trial of Trump without a trial in the face of the fact that he couldn't get a trial before the election. And, you know, releasing this motion, this court filing, it sure looks like blatant election interference, Lawrence, you know, Trump's lawyers urged the judge, keep it sealed, it will impact the election. The judge did it anyway with almost no discussion and there is no good reason to make it public. It's premature. There isn't even a trial date. So, I think this was done knowing full well media and Democrats would seize on provocative details, publicize it to effect voters and damage Trump, and sure enough, as I looked at television, the internet and newspapers, that's what's happening. 

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): But, Gregg, is there really much new here? I mean, Jack Smith has already made his case before the public and painted it broadly. This just adds some detail to it that we had not heard before. And Trump's own lawyers don't even want to respond to any of the stuff he wrote about until three weeks after the election. And they won't have to. 

JARRETT: So much of it, Steve, you are right is gratuitous. At times it reads like bad detective fiction. A lot of it is irrelevant and inadmissible. Conversations that other people had that are not connected to Trump directly. So, it seems like deliberate election interference, and the incendiary details notwithstanding, Smith's basic accusations are the same that we've heard all along. Nothing has changed, the theme that Trump deceived people, well if he honestly believed he won, it's hard to prove otherwise.