Fox News contributor discussing migrants: “This has now morphed into biowarfare. These guys are smart weapons, they are bioweapons deployed against America.”
Paul Mauro: “This is no accident, these nations are sending us some of their worst”
From the June 25, 2024, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
PAUL MAURO (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): One of two things is going to happen here. Either you are going to end up with a capital case which is going to go on forever in which case we're responsible for their care and feeding or you don't get the capital case and assuming they are guilty and convicted, which they are still just the accused, we are then responsible for their care and feeding. And in the old days — and I'm talking the old days in the deep, dark past of maybe five, six years ago — folks like that you capture who are going to be in jail for a long time in some instances the bureau of prisons in any state or federally can say: "You know what? Why should we have to pay for this character? Let's get him out of here. We'll send him back to his own country at some point so that we're not responsible for him until he's old and gray." That option is off the table. Now you wouldn't use it in a murder case anyway but in the situation that we're facing with all of these migrants, we don't have that option anymore because they are going to come right back. So realistically they are here for good and from where I sit, Dana, this has now morphed into biowarfare. These guys are smart weapons, they are bioweapons deployed against America. They are killing Americans and we don't seem to be really catching anybody's attention in Washington to stop it.