Fox News contributor says cartoons, children's books, and movies are “merchants of socialism”

Rachel Campos-Duffy: “Our cartoons denigrate competition ... I mean when was last time you saw a successful entrepreneur not be the villain in a movie for your kids?”

From the May 8 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Hey Rachel, let's ask you a little bit about this op-ed. And the headline on Fox News is “fighting socialism starts with the Little Red Hen.” What are you talking about there? 

RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): Well, the topic is really that if you're not talking to your kids about socialism, and this is the battle in our country right now, free enterprise and capitalism vs. socialism. That's the battle, and if you're not talking to your kids about it, somebody is. And it's not just in the textbooks and the curriculums at your kid's school. These messages and, I call them, the merchants of socialism out there in the culture, they start very young. Our cartoons denigrate competition, there are all kinds of children's books out there. Look at the movies, I mean when was last time you saw a successful entrepreneur not be the villain in a movie for your kids, or even for adults? So there are lots of subtle messages out there promoting socialism, but the good news for parents is that we are our first and most influential teachers for our children. So we have more influence than they do, but we have to have these conversations, and we have to start early. And I say one of the best books to start with is the Little Red Hen. It's the ultimate book about hard work and personal responsibility, deferred gratification. All the things that it takes to really achieve the American dream in America. 


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