How would, say, Sean Hannity react if Al Gore's Current TV referred to the World Council on Churches as a “circus sideshow”?
And who are these “critics,” anyway? One is "Myron Ebell, director of energy and global warming policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank."
That's the same Myron Ebell who chairs the “Cooler Heads Coalition,” which “question[s] global warming alarmism.” Oh, and:
The Competitive Enterprise Institute has enjoyed funding from, among others, Exxon Mobil, the American Petroleum Institute, Texaco, General Motors, Richard Mellon Scaife's foundations, and the Koch family foundations (Koch Industries is the nation's largest privately-held energy company and a record-setting polluter. Oh, and they use the fortune the accumulated in part by stealing oil from US taxpayers and Indian lands to provide millions of dollars in funding for the conservative movement.)
Later, Fox quotes another “critic” -- “Roger Bate, the Legatum Fellow in Global Prosperity at the American Enterprise Institute.” Like CEI, AEI has taken a flood of energy company money, including nearly $2 million from Exxon since 2001.
Naturally, Fox forgot to mention that AEI and CEI might not exist but for the generous funding of some of the nation's biggest polluters.