Fox News guest says poor people “don't realize how wealthy they are”
Brian Kilmeade: “70% of Americans still believe that the poor can escape poverty if they work hard enough. Only 35% of Europeans think that. That's the American spirit”
From the October 26, 2021, edition of Fox News' Primetime
BRIAN KILMEADE (HOST): 70% of Americans still believe that the poor can escape poverty if they work hard enough. Only 35% of Europeans think that. That's the American spirit.
DAVID HARSANYI (GUEST): Yeah, I agree. I mean, people don't realize how wealthy they are. I will give you a quick example, if Britain was a state, if we invaded Britain and made them a state, they'd be the second poorest state per capita in the United States after Mississippi. We are far more successful than European nations and I think the writers at the New York Times and elsewhere they don't realize that or they try to trick people into believing it's not true.
KILMEADE: We are also the kindest, most charitable state.