Fox News guest: Trans athletes are not “a pivotal issue” in 2024

Former Manchin spokesperson Jonathan Kott on WSJ op-ed: “This is a nonissue that we've made a political issue”

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Citation From the October 14, 2024, edition of Fox News' America Reports

JOHN ROBERTS (FOX NEWS ANCHOR): But you don't think that this is going to become a pivotal issue? 

JONATHAN KOTT (GUEST): No I don't think it's a pivotal issue at all. When you go further into The Wall Street journal editorial they point out that the ad is inaccurate and not based in reality. What it said was, these senators voted not to prevent money going to local schools during the American recovery act when we were climbing out of covid. So that's with those senators voted for. I will also point out 1.3% of high school kids identify as transgender. 1.2% of college kids. This is a nonissue that we've made a political issue and what we should be focused on is. how do we help those 1.25% of kids that struggle and are trying to come out and live a happy life? I can walk down the street as a straight white man and I have no problem in society. I don't think any one of these kids woke up and said "You know what? My life is going to be a lot easier if I become transgender." I think what we need to do is figure out what is the solution. No boys should not be playing against girls in wrestling and tennis and swimming but we have to find a solution that works for the people who are transitioning and the kids who are playing the sports.