Fox News' Jeanine Pirro: “DEI is just a rebranded version of hating white people, hating people who are part of this country”
From the January 12, 2024, edition of Fox News' The Five
JEANINE PIRRO (HOST): DEI is just a rebranded version of hating white people, hating people who are part of this country, part of the West. The truth is that, for this person, you know, if you are, as you said, white, able-bodied, heterosexual, all that, you're privileged. But the truth is people who are part of the DEI officers, I mean, they make over $400,000 a year, many of them. They're the ones who are privileged. You know, they're saying that a white kid from the inner city is more privileged than, say, a Black child who's part of a middle class Black family. I mean, all it is is about this continuing division in this country and creating the white guilt that a lot of people buy into. They're vulnerable to this, and I don't know why.