Fox News' John Roberts uses anniversary of 9/11 to fearmonger about immigrants

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Citation From the September 11, 2024, edition of Fox News' America Reports

JOHN ROBERTS (CO-ANCHOR): You know, General, when you consider the hell that 19 people who made it into this country did, what's the potential for the future with so many millions of people coming into this country in the last few years, many of whom have not been properly vetted, as we discover after they commit crimes? 

RET. GEN. KEITH KELLOGG (GUEST): Yeah, John, you're absolutely right. Look, the lights are blinking red. The potential for something like this happening again is there.


But, boy, we need to be very, very concerned about what's happening now with our southern border, with those people coming across. How many are coming across that are illegal, we don't know. Undocumented, coming from unprotected states. You know, we talked earlier about the special-interest aliens coming in from countries like Tajikistan. That number last year was over 74,000.

So, I think the potential is out there and we have to be very, very aware of it. You know, just -- if you just imagine just the few number of terrorists, what that did to our nation and the things we had to go through subsequent to that.

So, yeah, I think it's a big concern and we need to be concerned about it. And I think the potential of that happening again is very, very real. Our adversaries see it, they know there's a porous border in the south, they know they can push through what I would call advanced parties that come through and put them into sleeper cells. It's been done before, that's not unknown, it's not unusual. And I think we have to be ready for it.