Fox News medical contributor tells voters to consider how likely it is John Fetterman dies in the next 5 years “before you check a box”
Dr. Marc Siegel: “Someone like Fetterman, with a heart in his condition, having had a stroke, will either have a recurrence or won't survive the term”
From the November 7, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
DR. MARC SIEGEL (CONTRIBUTOR): Fetterman himself has said that his stroke was due to a blood clot from the heart. That is very significant, Tucker, because a study out of a journal called Stroke -- very prominent journal looking at over 6,000 people from Great Britain -- have found that if your blood clot comes from the heart, you have about less than a 60 percent -- a 60 percent chance -- more than a 60 percent chance of either not living five years or having another stroke within those five years. Greater than 60 percent chance.
So I say to the voters of Pennsylvania tonight who are ready to check a box tomorrow, I think before you check a box, you should consider a statistic like that. Greater than 60 percent chance that someone like Fetterman, with a heart in his condition, having had a stroke, will either have a recurrence or won't survive the term, Tucker.