Fox News' Neil Cavuto blames Donald Trump for the failure of border bill
Cavuto: “They're scared of him or he's bedeviling them, or I don't know, he's going to come back and do something horrible -- I don't know what it is. And that's what blew it up”
From the February 22, 2024, edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto
NEIL CAVUTO (ANCHOR): You know, Democrats come right back at you -- not you personally, Congressman -- and say -- Republicans, in general -- 'We had a great crafted package. It wasn't perfect, but it was something. If we had done that, coupled with what the president is doing, we'd be off to the races.' What do you say?
REP. TONY GONZALES (GUEST): You know, that package failed because the number they agreed on was 5,000. The number that should've been agreed on should always be zero for illegal immigration. There should be no number that is acceptable. And there should be a discussion on those that want to come and do it the right way. And you do that by encouraging --
CAVUTO: But Congressman, didn't that package really -- I'm sorry, sir -- but didn't that package really fail because Donald Trump didn't want it? And many in your party -- I'm not saying you are, sir -- are scared stiff of the guy. You didn't want to offend him, you didn't want to tick him off. So that was why it died.
GONZALES: Well, what if I told you, Neil, this is a lucrative topic, and everybody wants to just mine it and nobody wants to solve it. That's all fun and games, but what if you're little old Eagle Pass or Uvalde or San Antonio or New York City or Boston or Denver or anywhere else in the country? I think Americans have had enough with the politics. And we're not going to wait until a new president comes to solve it. Let's solve it today. This is something that Congress could do.
CAVUTO: But wasn't that the chance that both parties had, sir, with this interim agreement? It wasn't perfect, to your fine point, but the fact that Donald Trump didn't like it, many in your party didn't want to fight him. They're scared of him or he's bedeviling them, or I don't know, he's going to come back and do something horrible -- I don't know what it is. And that's what blew it up.