On Fox News, Sean Hannity accepts award “for people that care about freedom” from the National Republican Senatorial Committee
NRSC Chairman Rick Scott: “What you do on your show to fight for freedom around this country is unbelievable and unparalleled”
From the October 27, 2022, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): What is this?
SEN. RICK SCOTT: In this role as -- I'm the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. I created an award for people that care about freedom. Who do you think should get this? Sean Hannity --
HANNITY: Oh, my god.
SCOTT: You care about freedom. What you do on your show to fight for freedom around this country is unbelievable and unparalleled.
HANNITY: Oh, my god.
SCOTT: So this is for you.
HANNITY: Wow. Wow.
SCOTT: Well deserved.
HANNITY: When I was a kid, I played ice hockey. I wanted a Stanley Cup and now I've got one.