Fox attempted to revive the undying zombie myth that progressive economic policies that would increase taxes for the super-rich would hurt “job creators” and harm the economy. As venture capitalist Nick Hanauer has pointed out, wealthy people are not the source of jobs on their own because jobs are created as a “consequence of the feedback loop between customers and businesses.” Economist Jared Bernstein has argued a similar point, noting that “it's not clear who the job creators really are” in the American consumer economy while stressing that the phrase “job creator” can be used to insulate interest groups from “taxes, regulation, and especially unfriendly rhetoric.” Fox News' latest attempt to paint the super-rich as benevolent job creators facing assault by progressive policy priorities mirrors conservative talking points that were dominant during the 2012 election cycle. From the February 19 edition of Fox News' Happening Now:
Fox Revives Zombie Myth That The Super-Rich Are “Job Creators”
Conservatives Fall Back On 2012 Talking Point To Attack Progressives
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