Fox's Howard Kurtz: “Trump may have just been letting off steam about the loyalty he wanted from his generals compared to what he thought about Hitler's generals”

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Citation From the October 24, 2024, edition of Fox News' The Story with Martha MacCallum

MARTHA MACCALLUM (ANCHOR): Let's bring in Howie Kurtz, host of MediaBuzz. Howie, great to have you here. You know, there is obviously a lot of stuff being thrown at the wall here and the question is, do you think given the state of this race that any of this sticks or that it changes anyone's opinions this late in the game?

HOWARD KURTZ (FOX NEWS HOST): Well first of all, I think that John Kelly is a highly respected four star who lost a son in Afghanistan and I don't believe that he is making things up, and nobody can really know what the private conversations may have been. However, at the same time, Trump may have just been letting off steam about the loyalty he wanted from his generals compared to what he thought about Hitler's generals. And I think that -- it's obviously not something that was made for public consumption -- I think if these things were said it was not an effort to say anything publicly about that, but his accusations are not going to move ten votes.