Fox's Jesse Watters: “Police officers are almost always saving Black lives from Black-on-Black crime”
From the January 25, 2022, edition of Fox News' The Five
GERALDO RIVERA (CO-HOST): That thing about copaganda in D.C. from that BLM chapter, "being Black is more dangerous than any job." He's right. D.C. had 227 murders last year, the vast majority of them, almost all of them Black, including 33 women and children. Where was Black Lives Matter? Where was Black Lives Matter? Did Black lives really matter or do Black lives only matter when a cop is involved? 227 murders, what did BLM, what did that big mouth do about the 227 mostly Black people who were murdered in D.C. by mostly Black people? What did you do? You did nothing. You did nothing.
DANA PERINO (CO-HOST): Jesse, last word, please.
JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): I would just say that police officers are almost always saving Black lives from Black-on-Black crime and that needs to be acknowledged.