Fox's Jesse Watters: “We had a million Americans die from COVID-19 and Joe Biden just brought in a million illegal aliens to take their place”
From the June 21, 2022, edition of Fox News' The Five
JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): We had a million Americans die from COVID-19 and Joe Biden just brought in a million illegal aliens to take their place. A million illegal aliens. That's the city the size of Jacksonville, the city the size of Austin. Bringing in a million new people, that's not going to hurt inflation, is it? Oh, my god. This guy is crazy.
Some of them are going to show up to the hearings and, if they do, they're going to say -- because I said the UN was training these people to rediscover repressed memories. So they're going to tell the judge, I remember in Guatemala people used to peg me with avocado. I'm traumatized. Judge says, you get asylum. Or if the judge rules against asylum, do you think they're actually going to get deported? Of course not. Joe's not going to deport them.
But here's the difference. Joe's plan to turn Texas blue may actually backfire. Because if Hispanics keep voting the way they've voted on the border and the way they disapprove of Joe Biden -- they despise Biden as I said last week. 26 percent approval with Hispanics. They hate him more than anybody. So he could actually be digging the Democratic Party's own grave, if you can get Hispanics voting at that rate for Republicans. That's the Electoral College right there.