Fox's Newt Gingrich: “The real racists are the people who want to brainwash your child so that they feel guilty about being born white”
From the April 21, 2021, edition of Fox News Primetime
NEWT GINGRICH (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): I think the first thing to do is to take head-on the realization that what you're seeing is the new racism. As I think you would point out earlier, you have hospitals that say they're going to treat people based on racial standing. I mean, that is just plain -- first of all, it's illegal. Second, it is overt racism.
Republicans have to learn to win the argument about who's the real racist. The real racists are people like Biden and Harris. The real racists are the people who want to set quotas, mostly, by the way, excluding Asian-Americans. The real racists are the people who want to brainwash your child so that they feel guilty about being born white or being born of mixed background.