Fox’s Todd Starnes warns that “we have been invaded” by migrants and “one day they're going to be raising that Mexican flag over the U.S. Capitol"

Starnes: “The police called it a peaceful protest. Nothing peaceful, folks, about desecrating Old Glory. That's an act of war”

From the July 19 edition of Fox Nation's Starnes Country:

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TODD STARNES (HOST): A mob of anti-American protesters in Aurora, Colorado, tore down the American flag and raised the Mexican flag. It happened outside a detention center holding illegal aliens.

The protesters also raised a desecrated version of the blue lives matter flag, defaced with anti-police messages. Not a single person was arrested -- not a one.

The police called it a peaceful protest. Nothing peaceful, folks, about desecrating Old Glory.

That's an act of war. Now, what I'm about to say is politically incorrect, but I think it needs to be said.

We have been invaded. Our national sovereignty has been compromised, and unless our elected leaders get serious about securing the border, one day they're going to be raising that Mexican flag over the U.S. Capitol.


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