Fox's Will Cain upset the National Park Service is renaming a mountain named after someone who massacred Native Americans
Cain: “The United States of America was a very violent culture before the first colonists ever arrived … But if you want to play this game, it's a never ending game. If you want to go down the game of war travesties.”
From the June 12, 2022, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Sunday
WILL CAIN (CO-HOST): A mountain in Yellowstone National Park is now being renamed because of its allegedly offensive history. The National Park Service saying Mount Doane will now be called the First People's Mountain. Gustav Doane is credited with leading the first official exploration into what is today Yellowstone National Park, but the Park Services say Doane also led a deadly attack against American Indians, following the alleged murder of a fur trader. One hundred and seventy-three were reportedly killed in that attack. Really quickly—
PETE HEGSETH (CO-HOST): What's it called now?
RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY (CO-HOST): First People's Mountain.
CAIN: First People's Mountain. I love American Indian history. I'm very into it, read a lot about it.
CAIN: Have a lot of respect for American Indians. The fact of the matter is, the United States of America was a very violent culture before the first colonists ever arrived. Indian — American Indian tribes performed horrendous acts of war on each other, and that doesn't absolve the Americans of also the travesties we perpetuated on Indians. But if you want to play this game, it's a never ending game. If you want to go down the game of war travesties.
HEGSETH: Great point. Great point.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: Are you saying they weren't peaceful, eco-activists back before?
HEGSETH: He's bringing that pesky history, history, history thing.