Greg Gutfeld dismisses reaction to SCOTUS immunity ruling as “Trump derangement”
From the July 2, 2024, edition of Fox News' The Five
GREG GUTFELD (HOST): These stark predictions are a desperate pivot from their horrible reality. But again, they're always pivoting back to the same world that got them into this same disaster, which is Trump derangement fueled by these dystopian, extremist fantasies. Like once again, the world is going to end. Obviously, Sotomayor's examples, the media's examples, they're completely ludicrous, people know that. But if you accept that explanation, then you end up having to pivot back into reality that you're stuck here with a dying president who isn't even really in office. It is ironic that the week Joe gets a cold, Trump gets complete immunity. You know, it should tell you something, that maybe you're going about it wrong, media and Democrats, your foundation for operation is deeply flawed.