Ignoring Fox's own fearmongering, Fox's Dr. Marc Siegel attacks gov't, fearmongers for vaccine shortages Written by Media Matters Staff Published 11/04/09 10:51 AM EST From the November 4 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom: Video file Previously: Hannity guest Deirdre Imus says it's “misinformation” that H1N1 vaccine is safe, wants Obama's daughters vaccinated on TV On Hannity, Peterson says parents shouldn't give their children the vaccine for “the illegal alien disease” H1N1 Beck calls his audience “zombies,” O'Reilly dismisses Beck's flu vaccine conspiracies: “That's nuts” Citing Fox News segment, Limbaugh fearmongers that H1N1 vaccine ingredient has been linked to autism Beck, Limbaugh fomenting fear about H1N1 vaccine