Jesse Watters: “Anyone who gets things done in Washington has to be a dictator”
Watters: “Only the Nazis wanted a great country, I guess”
From the January 25, 2024, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): Anyone who gets things done in Washington has to be a dictator. We're so used to empty promises that the idea that a politician could get elected and deliver the policies that people voted for quickly and efficiently is so foreign that anyone who promises real change on day one has to be a strong man. They sound terrified that Trump might secure the border, stop crime and drill. Now if you believe that you want to put America first, you're a Nazi, according to them. If you want America not first, you're a patriot. See, they're conditioning us to be ashamed of making our country great. Only the Nazis wanted a great country, I guess.