Jesse Watters says CIA rigged the 2020 election because Trump threatened its drug trafficking ring
Watters: “Donald Trump was defeated because the CIA had had it with this guy, because he was threatening the cash flow”
From the November 1, 2023, edition of Fox News' The Five
JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): We had a former CIA guy come on "Primetime" the other day, and he said the CIA makes money on the side with drug trafficking. It's like a side hustle because their funding isn't big enough, so they do some, you know, black ops in order to boost their budget and hide it from congressional oversight. And then use it for dirty stuff. So that's what they are doing with the drug trafficking.
And one of the reasons -- one of many reasons -- Donald Trump was defeated was because the CIA had had it with this guy, because he was threatening the cash flow. That and the China tariffs, among many other things. So when you threaten the donor money and you threaten the Democrat voters and you threaten that CIA cash flow, it's a problem. Joe Biden is such an agreeable empty suit, he's just letting it all happen.
DANA PERINO (CO-HOST): Wait, you're saying the CIA is funding itself by the drug trade?
WATTERS: Yeah, they take a cut. That's what the former CIA guy told me.