There's Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum – all Fox News employees who have indicated an interest in the 2012 presidential campaign, one way or another.
But John Bolton, the notorious fearmongering Fox News contributor?
Bush's former interim United States Ambassador to the United Nations refused to rule out a possible 2012 run for the presidency during a recent interview with the Daily Caller's Jamie Weinstein.
Weinstein writes:
Not shy about his position on a wide range of issues, would this critic-in-chief consider a run for commander-in-chief in 2012? Bolton didn't reject the idea out of hand.
"[I]t is a very great honor that anybody would even think of asking. I'm obviously not a politician. I've never run for any federal elective office at all and, you know, it is something that would obviously require a great deal of effort," he said. “What I do think, though, and what concerns me, is the lack of focus generally in the national debate about national security issues. Now, I understand the economy is in a ditch and people are concerned about it, but our adversaries overseas are not going to wait for us to get our economic house in order.”
When pressed as to whether that means he would consider a run, Bolton seemed to suggest that he might do it, at the very least to help put national security issues at the top of the debate agenda.
h/t David Weigel