As Media Matters' noted yesterday, Fox News' Dana Perino apologized for falsely claiming last week that President Obama supported the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Perino said she was “glad there's a website out there that can track my every move and keep me honest.”
Mediaite's Tommy Christopher says others can learn from Perino, even if the apology was a bit “sarcastic”:
Perino may have been a tad sarcastic in her veiled praise for Media Matters, but hers is exactly the right attitude to take. All too often, when a media figure gets called out, the tendency is to point the finger elsewhere. It was refreshing to hear Perino own her mistake, and thank those who pointed it out.
There will be some who will note that her apology comes a week late, but I think it works out better that way. She's speaking to the same audience who heard her initial report, and the distance from last week's story gives the apology some air of its own to breathe.
- Perino “apologize[s]” for false claim that Obama supported release of Lockerbie bomber
- Kurtz gives “thumbs down” to Perino's falsehood that Obama administration supported the Lockerbie bomber's release
- Surprise! The conservative-hyped Lockerbie release “scandal” completely falls apart
- Right-wing media falsely claim White House “supported” release of Lockerbie bomber