Fox’s Megyn Kelly hyped an anti-Hillary Clinton movie trailer created by discredited conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza for his movie Hillary’s America.
On the May 31 edition of her Fox News show, host Megyn Kelly ran a three minute movie trailer, previewing D’Souza’s film that, will allegedly “expose Hillary Clinton’s motives by examining what [D’Souza] says is the history of her progressive politics.”
Kelly also interviewed D’Souza who claimed the film will “focus on the whole history of progressivism and the Democratic Party.”
D’Souza is a discredited conservative media smear artist who has previously compared President Obama’s father to Ebola, compared Ferguson protesters to ISIS, and produced a movie titled 2016: Obama’s America, a shoddy “documentary” he made smearing the president as “anti-American.”
D’Souza was indicted in 2014 for arranging excessive campaign contributions to the Senate campaign of his friend Wendy Long. After spending several months protesting the charges and claiming he was being unfairly targeted for his political beliefs, D'Souza pled guilty in May 2014.