On Fox News today, Fox's senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano attacked the Illinois Supreme Court decision that Rahm Emanuel met the residency requirements to appear on Chicago's mayoral ballot. Napolitano said in order to be elected, the judges have to be “approved by the same political machine that is approving and supporting and promoting Rahm Emanuel. So, don't think of judges in Illinois as serious scholars devoted to the Constitution and the rule of law. They're politicians in black robes.” Napolitano also opined that Emanuel did not meet the residency requirements.
But completely undermining Napolitano's claims that the decision was dictated by the Chicago political machine is the fact that three of the seven Illinois Supreme Court justices who unanimously decided that Emanuel's name should appear on the ballot are Republicans: Justice Robert Thomas who wrote the lead opinion; Justice Lloyd Karmeier; and Justice Rita Garman.
Furthermore, NPR's David Schaper reports that Law Professor Dawn Clark Netsch, who “played a key role in redrafting the Illinois Constitution in 1970” say that the Illinois Supreme Court's unanimous decision was “the right call.”