Piers Morgan plugs new show on Fox Nation: “I'm going to lead the charge to save our language to let pregnant people go back to being called women.”
Morgan: “I would love to know, Washington Post, how do I get pregnant?”
From the April 1, 2022, edition of Fox News' Outnumbered
EMILY GOMPAGO (CO-HOST): The Washington Post is getting torched by critics for this article about breakthrough COVID cases. But which referred to expectant mothers as pregnant people instead of women, right? So the Post used the phrase pregnant people both in the headline and multiple times throughout the article, but only used the word woman once. Piers Morgan, what say you?
PIERS MORGAN (FOX NATION HOST): Where do you even start? I mean look, I would love to get pregnant. You know why? Pregnant women are the most popular people in the world. Everyone loves people who are pregnant, they are nice to you. I would be really popular, right. But I would love to know, Washington Post, how do I get pregnant? Because last time I checked, women get pregnant, not men. So when you say pregnant people it doesn't include the billions of men. We can't get pregnant.
And it just goes back to what I was saying earlier about the eradication of any gender specific language. It's tailoring to a tiny minority of people, and the vast majority of people would like to carry on being called by what they identify as. You ladies here -- I presume you don't mind me calling you ladies -- I presume you will identify as women. So if you are pregnant, you are a pregnant woman. You're not a pregnant person. Why should you be? It is so insulting, it is so insensitive. And it flies again to my central point. Why are we letting this tiny group of people dictate how everybody else has to speak? When did our language get destroyed at the altar of woke political correctness, and who is going to stop it? I have a clue for you, I have a new show coming on Fox Nation called Piers Morgan Uncensored and I'm going to lead the charge to save our language to let pregnant people go back to being called women. That's it.