Sean Hannity announces he was bored by January 6 hearing Hannity: “They didn’t come close to even capturing my interest, maybe before 3 minutes before I said, this is a waste of time” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 06/09/22 10:21 PM EDT Video file Citation From the June 9, 2022, edition of Fox News' Hannity SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Let me ask you this. David Axelrod, I don't agree with him politically, but he's a pretty smart guy, he warned the Democrats about overpromising and under delivering. I found this opening tonight so underwhelming. They built this up to be, this is going to be the definitive moment where we prove that Donald Trump is responsible for the insurrection that took place. They didn't come close to even capturing my interest, maybe for 3 minutes before I said, this is a waste of time.