Sean Hannity demands Joe Biden treat Russia's downing of US drone as “an act of war”
Hannity: “They took down a US Reaper drone over international waters, which, in most cases, most presidents would view as an act of war. There would be some military response”
From the March 15, 2023, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): None other than America's hostile enemies now. They have no fear or respect for Joe Biden. Not China, not Iran and definitely not Russia. Now, Putin's thugs, as we talked about last night, they took down a US Reaper drone over international waters which, in most cases, most presidents would view as an act of war. There would be some military response. What did Biden do in response? Pretty much nothing -- actually, worse than nothing.
The White House started to make excuses for Putin's risky behavior. They called it an accident. Really? Anyone here believe that it's an accident? Now, probably was -- they said "It's probably unintentional." They said "It probably was the result of a profound incompetence of these Russian pilots." Does anybody here believe that there are incompetent fighter jet pilots that not once, but twice dumped jet fuel on top of our drone, and then took it out of the sky? I don't believe that.
Russia is now attempting to retrieve our drone from the Black Sea that they took out of the sky before our Navy can get to it. Where is the pushback? Joe, where are you? You're the commander in chief. Where is American leadership? Why are you going to take this? Not a single word from our part-time president, well, frankly, the cowardly Joe Biden.