Tucker Carlson: Black Lives Matter “is the actual armed militia of the Democratic Party”

Carlson: Democrats “Will burn down your cities and tell you that you did it. And if you don't accept that judgment, maybe they will send BLM to your house”


From the August 31, 2020, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): If you watch the Democratic National Convention, you may be familiar with BLM. BLM is the group Democrats promoted from the stage all week. They're the movement corporate America will fire you for daring to criticize, they're the reason you're not allowed to acknowledge that all lives matter. You get fired for that, too, many have been. This is the actual armed militia of the Democratic Party and they are held to very different standards from the ones you live under.


What about everyone else running the Democratic Party? They're not insane, they are not crazy in the slightest. They are just liars and they are more ruthless than you can even understand. They will burn down your cities and tell you that you did it. And if you don't accept that judgment, maybe they will send BLM to your house.