Tucker Carlson calls student debt relief “reparations” being paid to drug “addicted robots with no job prospects”
Carlson: “Does that seem fair? Well, no, it's not. But it's how Washington works. Politicians reward their donors first. They're first in line”
From the August 24, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): These are people, in other words, with a long and public track record of very bad ideas, extraordinarily bad ideas. Ideas so stupid you couldn't make them up.
So the question is, is this idea different? We want it to be, but unfortunately it's not. And here's how you know it's not. Colleges aren't refunding any of the loan money. You are. You are. But wait, you say. I didn't defraud anyone. I didn't claim that a degree in postcolonial liberation studies from Wesleyan would be worth anything. I didn't take 80 grand a year from middle-class families in order to turn their children into Xanax-addicted robots with no job prospects. Well, no, you didn't do any of that, but you're paying reparations anyway.
Wesleyan's not. Wesleyan's off the hook, they all are. They'll pay nothing for the scam they perpetrated, though they're a lot richer than you will ever be. No, you're paying. It's on you. Does that seem fair? Well, no, it's not. But it's how Washington works. Politicians reward their donors first. They're first in line.