Tucker Carlson claims “anti-white ideology” has weakened the US Military
Carlson: “You are trying to degrade and hurt the ability of the United States to defend itself. To perpetuate itself. To remain the United States for our grandchildren”
From the August 2, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): If you're wanting to understand the motive of the people in charge, consider this. At the same moment that we are clearly goading other countries into conflict with each other and with us, we are -- meaning the Biden administration is -- degrading our ability to participate or prevail in those wars. Our defensive capabilities have never been weaker and that's not an accident, they did it.
For example, the Central Intelligence Agency, whatever you think of it -- we don't think much -- kind of important to our country. Certainly well-funded. Here's a recent recruiting ad from the CIA.
You're intersectional with generalized anxiety disorder? Come work in a critical federal agency. So if you're running an ad like that, not only are you not serious, you are trying to degrade and hurt the ability of the United States to defend itself. To perpetuate itself. To remain the United States for our grandchildren. That's exactly what -- let's stop lying about it -- that's exactly what you're doing.
And it's not just happening at CIA. Nothing Joe Biden has done in the last year and a half has made our armed forces better prepared to fight wars. Instead, it has been one calculated humiliation after another for the U.S. Armed Forces: vax mandates, anti-white ideology, sex changes, drag shows. Whatever is necessary to telegraph to the United States military you are worthless, you are defending a country that does not deserve to be defended, your traditions are disgusting, you're terrible. That's the message.
Here's the latest. The V.A. has decided to desecrate military cemeteries -- that'd be America's last remaining national shrine -- our military cemeteries desecrated with industrial wind turbines. One just went up in a Massachusetts national cemetery.
So, take three steps back. They are starting more wars, while simultaneously making it harder for the United States to fight and prevail in those wars.